Hi there.
My name is Marco A Ramírez, welcome to my web page.
I was born on November 9, 1963, in Guadalajara Jalisco, México, I’m married to Guadalupe Ramirez and we are residing in San Elizario Texas.
I’m being around music since 1970, I studied music and gregorian chant at Escuela de Música Sacra de Aguascalientes, classic guitar and cello at Escuela de Música de la Universidad de Guadalajara, I played bass professionally since 1982 till 2002.
My professional career in the Recording Industry started in 1985 in different recording studios in Guadalajara and Mexico city working on post-production, editing, recording, mixing and mastering.
I perform mastering services in Britannia Road Studio (also is a recording studio, is being built and almost ready).
My other great passion is the construction of vintage audio equipment (70’s/80’s), especially tubes equipment; I have in my mastering rig at Britannia Road Studio a stereo compressor LA2a and a Neve 1084 eq built and modified for mastering use by myself, also a custom Fairchild 670 mastering grade compressor, my build, I’m working these days in a Sontec mastering EQ.